Write with Me

Writing in Community
Have a small group or want an experience for hesitant writers? With prompts and guidance, words flow. Online or in-person, typically two hours in length. Contact me if interested in participating. None scheduled at this time.

Creativity & Connection Retreats
Offered around the solstice, these three to four day retreats combine writing and movement, grounded in nature to explore your inner creativity. Subscribe if interested – next scheduled one is Sept. 19 -22, 2024 in Ely, MN.

Creativity and the Artist's Way
Twelve week online exploration of what it means to be creative. Morning pages, community support, and guidance from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Class meets once a week.

Special Project? Contact me.
Get out of your own way when writing in community! Guided prompts, safe spaces to explore new writing, and surprise connections move us from writer’s block to unleashed potential.